About Us

The team

As of today the team is comprised of a single person (Viscera),

this part of the page will be uploaded later and will feature our top github collaborators.

The Project

So, basically I came up with this idea out of nowhere, thinking about it, there aren't many tools

that help make our DnD sessions more enjoyable for free.

My plan is essentially to make a platform where you can access anywhere and just start using the tools

without the need for all those annoying limitations where you need to pay for a subscription in order to

actually get any use out of them.

You can get more info on my Github.

Why I am really doing this

There's another reason for starting this project, I always wanted to learn code, so what better way

than getting hands on and working on a community project along with more experienced people?

Exactly! So if you have any experience in coding, look at my github and tell me how bad of a job im doing

but please do correct me and teach me how to improve.